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South of Kaikoura, this walk follows the coastline. You'll see discarded pieces of railway equipment along the way. Some beaches are more bouldery and looking out to see you could spot a whale or pod of dolphins. Plenty of places for a swim on the way, if it's not too cold!

Pupu Springs

It's just a short walk through native bush, to see these beautiful springs where the water is crystal clear. In the past divers have been allowed into the springs, but are no longer permitted. The visibility underwater is unbelievable. There are little freshwater crayfish, trout and brilliant green algae. A viewing platform gives you a glimpse of the underwater world if it's not too covered with algae.

Scandrett Regional Park

This farm park, off Mahurangi East Rd, north of Auckland is named after the previous farm owners who farmed it for about 130 years. The sheltered beach is good for swimming at high tide. Walks include an orchard, and stockyards. The historic buildings are worth seeing.

Motuara Island

Motuara island is a bird sanctuary in the Outer Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlborough Sounds.
First we watched dolphins frollicking around the charter boat. Then we landed on the island and walked around an hour through the regenerating native bush.
Interesting bird life seen including this NZ falcon, bellbirds, fantails, kereru and saddleback. Kiwi also live there. The island is predator free so don't take anything you shouldn't!

Arapuni Dam to Jones Landing

This 10km walkway travels alongside Lake Arapuni and finishes at Jones Landing. There are native trees between the river and track and interesting rocks above. The lake is ideal for kayaking or boating.
The Arapuni Power Station and the dam are now under the protection of the Historic Places Trust.


A fence goes around this reserve to keep predators out. We explored the southern enclosure and after climbing up the viewing platform, a kaka landed alongside us. A camera showed us a female kaka feeding her 3 chicks. Other birdlife include hihi, but our visit was too short and we'll be going back. Great walking tracks, south of Cambridge.

Pakiri Beach

Walk along the white sands of Pakiri Beach and you'll feel you are a world away from the city. The solitude, sand dunes and birdlife add to this special place. It's only around an hour north of Auckland City and a short drive over the hill from Leigh.
Occasionally there will be a temporary structure as part of a film set. 

Tawharanui Regional Park

This regional park north of Auckland is part farmland and part regenerating bush. A predator proof fence runs across the peninsula. The beach is beautiful and a good length for a walk. There are also tracks through the native bush areas. Pick up a brochure when you get there.

Ohakune Lakes

The entrance way is hard to find as it's under bush on a corner. You can drive in and park and walk right around the lake or you can drive right around. Nice native trees surround it.

Lake Rotokura

About 12km south of Ohakune, this is a nice easy walk. The track goes right around the lake passing through native bush. It passes Dry Lake on the way. Nice flowering clematis in spring. Bull rushes along the lake edge and good water birds.

Old Coach Road

We cycled the track but it can be easily walked too. Explore the tunnel and cross over the old Viaduct with good views of the new Viaduct. Easily accessed from Ohakune. There are nice information signs along the way telling about the history of the area.

Hakarimata Summit

A well formed track leads to the dam built in 1922. From there it is a very steep climb to the summit. There are views of Ngaruawahia plus a few kauri trees. This 1km uphill bit takes about an hour to get up. Access the track from Brownlees Ave, Ngaruawahia and start along the Waterworks Track.

Waitonga Falls

About 11km up the mountain road at Ohakune, this is a well-formed track through native bush. The track continues over a boardwalk across an open, wetlands area before descending through more bush to the Waitonga Falls.
Allow around 1.5 hours return.